This package contains 30 nmolof SNAP-Cell 647-SiR substrate, sufficient to make10 ml of a 3 μM SNAP-tag fusion protein labelingsolution.The SNAP-tag protein labeling system enables thespecific, covalent attachment of virtually any moleculeto a protein of interest. The SNAP-tag is based onhuman O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (hAGT).SNAP-tag substrates are fluorophores, biotin or beadsconjugated to guanine or chloropyrimidine leavinggroups via a benzyl linker. In the labeling reaction, thesubstituted benzyl group of the substrate is covalentlyattached to the SNAP-tag.There are two steps to using this system: subcloningand expression of the protein of interest as aSNAP-tag fusion, and labeling of the fusion with theSNAP-tag substrate of choice. Expression of SNAP-tagfusion proteins is described in the documentationsupplied with SNAP-tag plasmids. The labeling of the fusion proteins with the SNAP-tag substrate isdescribed below.Figure 1.Live NIH/3T3 cells expressing SNAP-tag fused to mitochondrial oxidase 8A (Cox8A-SNAPf)Cellswere labeled with SNAP-Cell 647-SiR (red) for 30minutes at 37°C, 5% CO2.Figure 2:Excitation (dotted line) and emission spectra of SNAP-Cell 647-SiR after coupling to SNAP-tag in buffer at pH 7.5Figure 3:Structure of SNAP-Cell 647-SiR (MW 724.9 g/mol)
This product is related to the following categories:
SNAP-tag Substrates Products ,
Protein Labeling Products
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