Substrate Specificity:α1-2 Fucosidase is a highly specific exoglycosidase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of linear α1-2 linked L-fucopyranosyl residues from oligosaccharides (1). In this case, a linear substrate is defined as having no branching on the adjacent residue.Figure 1: Detailed Specificity ofα1-2 FucosidaseAll reactions contained 1X Glycobuffer 1. All reactions contain 1X BSA in a total volume of 10μl, and all reactions were incubated at 37°C. All reactions contained 20 units ofα1-2 fucosidase. Reaction (C) also contained 20 units ofα-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase (#P0734). In Reaction (C), the branchedα 1-2 fucose is removed in the presence of both enzymes, but not byα1-2 Fucosidase alone.
Product Source
Cloned from Xanthomonas manihotisand expressed in E. coli.
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Exoglycosidases Products
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