The PCR Marker consists of a proprietary plasmid that is digested to completion with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 5 double-stranded DNA bands suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose and acrylamide gel electrophoresis. The digested DNA includes fragments ranging from 50-766 base pairs. The approximate mass of DNA in each of the bands is provided (assuming a 0.3 μg load) for approximating the mass of DNA in comparably intense samples of similar size.
Comes supplied with 1 vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS.
Recommended gel percentage range: 1.8-3%
Optimum separation on 2%
PCR Marker visualized by ethidium bromide staining on a 1.8% TBE Agarose Gel. Mass values are for 0.3 μg/lane.
This product is related to the following categories:
DNA Markers & Ladders Products
This product can be used in the following applications: