The Low Range ssRNA Ladder is aset of 6 RNA molecules produced by in vitro transcriptionof a mixture of 6 linear DNA templates.The ladder sizes are: 1000, 500, 300, 150, 80 and50 bases. The 300 base fragment is at doubleintensity to serve as a reference band. This ladderis suitable for use as an ssRNA size standardon denaturing polyacrylamide-urea gels, and ondenaturing or native agarose gels.Usage RecommendationThis marker was notdesigned for precise quantification of ssRNAmass.Denaturing vs. Native Agarose GelsIt is commonpractice to electrophorese RNA on a fullydenaturing agarose gel, such as one containingformaldehyde (1). However, in many cases itis possible to run RNA on a native agarose geland obtain suitable results. In fact, it has beendemonstrated that treatment of RNA samples ina denaturing buffer maintains the RNA moleculesin a denatured state, during electrophoresis, for at least 3 hours (2,3). The use of native agarosegels eliminates problems associated with toxicchemicals and the difficulties encountered whenstaining and blotting formaldehyde gels.Sample PreparationThe Low Range ssRNALadder is also compatible with formaldehydebasedloading buffers.1 µg/lane. 2.0% TBE agarose gel.
This product is related to the following categories:
RNA Markers & Ladders Products,
RNA Markers & Ladders Products
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