The ssRNA Ladder is a set of 7 RNAmolecules produced by in vitro transcription ofa mixture of 7 linear DNA templates. The laddersizes are: 9000, 7000, 5000, 3000, 2000, 1000and 500 bases. The 3000 base fragment is atdouble intensity to serve as a reference band.This ladder is suitable for use as an ssRNA sizestandard on denaturing or native agarose gels.Usage RecommendationThis marker was notdesigned for precise quantification of ssRNA mass.Denaturing vs. Native Agarose GelsIt is commonpractice to electrophorese RNA on a fully denaturingagarose gel, such as one containing formaldehyde(1). However, in many cases it is possible to runRNA on a native agarose gel and obtain suitableresults. In fact, it has been demonstrated thattreatment of RNA samples in a denaturing buffermaintains the RNA molecules in a denaturedstate, during electrophoresis, for at least 3 hours(2,3). The use of native agarose gels eliminates (see other side)problems associated with toxic chemicals and thedifficulties encountered when staining and blottingformaldehyde gels.Sample PreparationThe ssRNA Ladder is alsocompatible with formaldehyde-based loadingbuffers.4 µg/lane. 1.0% TBE agarose gel.
This product is related to the following categories:
RNA Markers & Ladders Products,
RNA Markers & Ladders Products
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