OneTaq® Quick-Load® DNA Polymerase is an optimized, ready-to-use blend of Taq and Deep Vent® DNA Polymerases ideally suited to routine PCR applications from a variety of templates, including pure DNA solutions, bacterial colonies and cDNA products. The 3´→5´ exonuclease activity of Deep Vent DNA Polymerase increases the fidelity and robust amplification of Taq DNA Polymerase (1). The convenient quick-load buffer contains two commonly used tracking dyes for direct loading of PCR products on DNA gels. On a 1% agarose gel in 1X TBE, Xylene Cyanol FF migrates at ~4 kb and Tartrazine migrates at ~10 bp. Both dyes are present in concentrations that do not mask comigrating DNA bands.
Comparison of OneTaq Products to Other Commercially Available Polymerases
Amplification of a selection of high GC human genomic DNA targets demonstrates OneTaq performance. All polymerases were cycled according to manufacturer’s recommendations, including the use of additives to enhance the amplification of targets with high GC content. Yield (dot size) and purity (color) of reaction product were quantified from triplicate reactions on a Perkin Elmer LabChip®. A large, dark green dot represents the highest yield and purity.Robust Performance of OneTaq Quick-Load DNA PolymeraseAmplification of a variety of DNA targets (human and viral templates) demonstrates strong performance of the OneTaq Quick-Load DNA Polymerase. Product yield (bars, left axis) and purity (circles, right axis) were calculated via microfluidic analysis from triplicate reactions after 30 cycles of PCR. Standard deviation is indicated by error bars (yield) or shaded bands (purity). GoTaq was cycled according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
Product Source
An E. coli strain that carries the Taq DNA Polymerase gene from Thermus aquaticus YT-1 and an E. coli strain that carries the Deep Vent® DNA Polymerase gene from Pyrococcus species GB-D.
This product is related to the following categories:
OneTaq® DNA Polymerases Products,
PCR, qPCR & Amplification Technologies Products
This product can be used in the following applications: