The PURExpress® Disulfide Bond Enhancer (PDBE) is a proprietary blend of proteins and buffer components designed to correctly fold target proteins with multiple disulfide bonds produced in PURExpress reactions. Added at the beginning of a reaction, the components promote a proper disulfide bond pattern by assisting with the oxidation of cysteine thiols and correcting mis-oxidized substrates. These enhancements can increase the yield of soluble and functionally active protein.Figure 1:PURExpress Disulfide Bond Enhancer (PDBE) promotes proper folding of active vtPA, a truncated version of tissue plasminogen activator with 9 disulfide bonds, 8 of which are non-consecutive. (A.) Reactions were set-up according to PURExpress specifications with the vtPA template DNA. After a two-hour incubation at 37°C, 5 µl of each reaction was used in an activity assay and cleavage of the chromogenic substrate was monitored for one hour. (B.) 2.5 µl of each reaction was resolved by SDS-PAGE and the gel stained with Coomassie Blue. The vtPA target protein is marked by a red arrow. The addition of PDBE generates active protein. The difference in observed activity is due to disulfide bond folding, as measured by functional activity of the target, and is not due to differences in the amount of protein produced by PURExpress.Figure 2:PURExpress Disulfide Bond Enhancer is optimized for use in PURExpress but also shows utility in S30 lysate-based IVTT kits from other suppliers. Reactions were set-up according to manufacturer"s specifications with equivalent amounts of template DNA encoding a truncated version of tissue plasminogen activator (9 disulfide bonds, 8 non-consecutive). After a two-hour incubation, 5 µl of each reaction was used in an activity assay and cleavage of the chromogenic substrate was monitored for one hour.Figure 3:PURExpress Disulfide Bond Enhancer promotes proper folding of active Gaussia Luciferase (GLuc) which contains 5 probable disulfide bonds. Reactions were set-up according to PURExpress specifications with equivalent amounts of template DNA encoding GLuc. After a two-hour incubation at 37°C, triplicate aliquots (2.5 µl) of each reaction were incubated with 50 µl of the GLuc substrate solution and the relative luminescence recorded after a 4 second counting window.
This product is related to the following categories:
NEBExpress® Cell-free E. coli Protein Synthesis System,
Cell-Free Protein Expression,
Protein Expression
This product can be used in the following applications:
NEBExpress® Cell-free E. coli Protein Synthesis System,