使用本产品的文献:1.Overcoming the Reticuloendothelial System Barrier to Drug Delivery with a “Don’t-Eat-Us” StrategyYixuan Tang,Xiaoyou Wang,Jie Li,Yu Nie,Guojian Liao,Yang Yu,Chong LiACS NANO应用方向:细胞膜染色2.Inducing Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress to Expose Immunogens: A DNA Tetrahedron Nanoregulator for Enhanced ImmunotherapyYanhua Li,Xia Zhang,Xiuyan Wan,Xiaohan Liu,Wei Pan,Na Li,Bo TangAdv. Funct. Mater.
参考文献1.Optimizing conditions and avoiding pitfalls for prolonged axonal tracing with carbocyanine dyes in fixed rat spinal cords应用方向:标记示踪
2.Labeling with fluorescent carbocyanine dyes of cultured endothelial and smooth muscle cells by growth in dye-containing medium应用方向:细胞迁移
3.A versatile flow cytometry-based assay for the determination of short- and long-term natural killer cell activity应用方向:细胞毒性
4.Neurons secrete miR-132-containing exosomes to regulate brain vascular integrity应用方向:标记的神经细胞外泌体
5.Microfluidic device (ExoChip) for On-Chip isolation, quantification and characterization of circulating exosomes.应用方向:用DiO进行外泌体染色,通过荧光的强弱对不同来源样品中的外泌体进行定量分析