使用本产品的文献:1.Overcoming the Reticuloendothelial System Barrier to Drug Delivery with a “Don’t-Eat-Us” StrategyYixuan Tang,Xiaoyou Wang,Jie Li,Yu Nie,Guojian Liao,Yang Yu,Chong LiACS NANO应用方向:细胞膜染色参考文献1.Optimizing conditions and avoiding pitfalls for prolonged axonal tracing with carbocyanine dyes in fixed rat spinal cords应用方向:标记示踪2.Iontophoretic dye labeling of embryonic cells应用方向:细胞迁移
3.Dilation of the inflUEnza hemagglutinin fusion pore revealed by the kinetics of individual cell-cell fusion events应用方向:细胞融合
4.Alcohol inhibits cell-cell adhesion mediated by human L1应用方向:细胞粘附
5.Analysis of simulated and experimental fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Data for two diffusing components应用方向:FRAP检测脂在细胞膜上的扩散
6.Standardization of a flow cytometric method for measurement of low-density lipoprotein receptor activity on blood mononuclear cells应用方向:标记脂蛋白