C8 L-threo-Lactosyl(ß) Ceramide (d18:1/8:0)
β-D-lactosyl-N-octanoyl-L-threo-sphingosine, (1) selectively inhibits caveolar endocytosisand SV40 virus infection, (2) blocks the clustering of lipids and proteins intoGSLs and cholesterol-enriched microdomains (rafts) at the PM, and (3) inhibitsβ1-integrin activation and downstream signaling. Singh, R.D., E.L. Holicky, Z.J. Cheng, S.Y. Kim, C.L. Wheatley, D.L. Marks, R. Bittman,and R.E. Pagano. (2007). Inhibition of caveolar uptake, SV40 infection, andβ1-integrin signaling by a nonnatural glycosphingolipid stereoisomer.J Cell Biol 176:895-901.